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End Cat Dissection in Schools
Final signature count: 0
0 signatures toward our 50,000 goal
Sponsor: The Animal Rescue Site
are one of the most commonly dissected animals in schools. Help end this practice and advocate for more humane alternatives!
Millions of animals will be dissected in high schools across the U.S. this year. Many of those animals will be cats1.
Cats are one of the most commonly dissected animals in schools2.
According to investigations by PETA into biological supply companies that provide schools with animals for dissection, animals experience all kinds of horrifying abuse before they are killed and sold to schools3. In some cases, the cats used were first taken from shelters, pet stores and off the streets before they were killed and embalmed, denied any chance of a happy life.
Cats aren’t the only ones suffering from this cruel practice. Children are also at risk of seeing cruelty normalized4.
A number of leaked videos show kids playing with mutilated animal bodies during dissection lessons, jumping rope with a cat’s intestines and dancing with cat carcasses5.
Given the notorious link that exists between animal cruelty and violent behavior, it’s unconscionable that we allow kids to dissect these animals.
Especially considering the fact that the dissection of any animal is archaic and downright unnecessary. From 3-D models to digital simulation programs, there are a host of dissection alternatives available that schools can and should embrace6.
Sign the petition and call for an end to cat dissection in U.S. schools now.