End Mass Pig Horrors in the UK

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Join us to expose and end the horrific cruelty at Cross Farm, where pigs suffer unimaginable neglect and abuse.

End Mass Pig Horrors in the UK

Recent undercover footage has exposed severe and ongoing neglect at WJ Watkins and Son’s Cross Farm in Devon, a site marked by unfathomable animal cruelty and mistreatment. Investigations reveal pigs living under distressing conditions, enduring extreme cannibalism, malnourishment, and suffering from untreated, bleeding wounds12. These findings not only highlight the immediate suffering of these animals but also cast a shadow over the effectiveness of current animal welfare laws in the UK.

A Pattern of Neglect

This is not the first time Cross Farm has come under scrutiny. Previous investigations as far back as 2017 have documented similar abuses, with no substantial improvements made over the years. Despite being part of the Red Tractor assurance scheme, which is supposed to guarantee high standards of welfare, Cross Farm has repeatedly failed to provide even the most basic care to its animals3.

The National Pig Association has sometimes downplayed these incidents, suggesting that some footage does not accurately represent farm conditions1. However, the consistency of findings across multiple independent investigations strongly contradicts these claims, emphasizing a systemic problem that requires immediate and forceful action.

A Call for Action

It is clear that mere oversight is not enough. The recurring issues at Cross Farm demonstrate a dire need for stricter enforcement of animal welfare standards and more severe penalties for violations. The UK prides itself on having some of the highest animal welfare standards in the world, yet scenes of such brutal mistreatment of animals challenge this reputation and demand our urgent attention.

We cannot allow this suffering to continue. It is time to take decisive action to ensure no animal at Cross Farm—or any farm—experiences such horrendous conditions again. We must call on our leaders to shut down Cross Farm and enforce stricter regulations that protect all farm animals across the country.

Help us send a message to the Prime Minister and the Environment Minister that the people demand better. Sign the petition and contribute to a national movement demanding the closure of Cross Farm and the implementation of rigorous, enforceable animal welfare laws that truly reflect our values as a society.

More on this issue:

  1. Haroon Siddique, The Guardian (10 March 2024), "Calls for legal action after ‘unimaginable suffering’ filmed at Devon pig farm."
  2. Trinity Sparke, One Green Planet (2024), "Undercover Footage Reveals Disturbing Conditions at Devon Pig Farm."
  3. Kathryn Snowdon, HuffPost UK (14 November 2017), "Pig Farm Investigation By Animal Equality Raises Concerns About Red Tractor Certified Farms."

The Petition

To the Prime Minister and the Environment Minister of the United Kingdom,

We, the undersigned, are compelled to bring to your immediate attention the inhumane and deeply troubling conditions discovered at WJ Watkins and Son's Cross Farm in Devon. Recent investigations and undercover footage have laid bare a shocking level of neglect and mistreatment of pigs at this facility, actions which starkly contradict the UK's commitment to high animal welfare standards.

The conditions observed at Cross Farm are not only appalling but also unacceptable by any measure of animal husbandry. Pigs at this farm have been documented suffering from extreme cannibalism, chronic malnourishment, open and untreated bloody wounds, and a range of other health issues, all indicative of a severe lack of care and management. Such horrific treatment of animals cannot and should not be tolerated.

The existence of such brutality under the guise of farming not only tarnishes the reputation of the British farming industry but also calls into question the efficacy of our nation's animal welfare laws and regulations. It is imperative that these laws are not only upheld but also rigorously enforced to protect these defenseless animals from undue suffering.

Therefore, we urgently call upon you to take immediate action by ordering the closure of WJ Watkins and Son's Cross Farm. Furthermore, we request a thorough review and strengthening of oversight and enforcement of animal welfare standards across all farms within the UK to prevent such atrocities from occurring in the future.

By ensuring that these necessary actions are taken, we can safeguard the welfare of all farm animals within our borders, uphold our national standards, and move towards a brighter, more compassionate future for all living beings under our care.

Thank you for your attention to this grave matter.
